

 The Cult  & Business
A journalist of La Repubblica describes his encounter with Ontopsychology 

 An officer of the Police Flying Squad's Testimony About the Inquiry on Meneghetti and the Ontopsychologists
An Italian police investigator points his finger at Meneghetti after a thorough inquiry into Ontopsychology 

 Worlddidac Answers...
Anybody can join Worlddidac, all you have to do is pay 

TV National Globo - Film
Download free codex DiVX 5.0.2 (3. 0 MB)

The answer of Susan Blackmore

«To avoid the evil you have to make love with me!»
The evidences of a woman addressed by her doctor to the ontopsychologist Meneghetti - "I want to talk to warn people"

«The devil is in you» - He comes home and kill his father
More one victim!
Ci è giunta la segnalazione di una nuova morte in seno alla setta

Restyling by Ontographic Design 
© Copyright Joseph Inca - 2002-2003